August Full Sturgeon Moon

August 1st, 11:32pdt

Confidence, connection, and camaraderie via focus on your Divine aligned place in this universe.

We have entered the power window for the full sturgeon moon- I love this full moon. The sturgeon is ancient and so majestic. This moon anchored us to truths of our rightness here in this place, reminding us that we take up space we are meant to take, that every day existing is a day of possibility and majesty, that simply living is enough to be rightly Divine- as long as you are in the flow.

Our work this moon is to connect ourselves in that glorious vibration of universal rightness, so that we can feel the flow so clearly that it is easy to let go of whatever feels like swimming upstream. Release what is against the flow. Promise, you don’t need it.

We start by giving ourselves tools to feel the connection and alignment and majesty. Then you can feel what doesn’t fit, consider the true ultimate goal, and reshape the ways to get that goal that have more easy and flow.


Affirmations are wildly powerful. Rewiring your brain takes concentrated time and energy. Finding the “right” words is highly individual, listen for what resonates and reverberates in you- that’s the most useful tool of the moment. I will offer you some affirmations and suggest you say them regularly from this full moon til the next new moon. If you’d rather come up with your own, DO IT. Or… come back to this page and recite one or all of the following daily.

The universe boosts my vibration in cooperation for the highest good. I am always supported by the most powerful allegiances of this majestic existence.

Earth mother holds me. I am safe, supported, and strong as trees. Breathing in tree power fortifies me in my place, and my every exhale is a contribution.

In me is ancient strength and powerfully good magic. I am made of ethereal star reality.

I am receiving of bounty, living open and aware of the glory of goodness that makes me smile from my soul. Abundant good finds me and pour itself upon my reality with ease.

My actions are aligned with my innate gifts, and the story I must live and tell and share.

Earthly abundance is plentiful and I receive its plenty with open clarity and awareness, in joyful reciprocal relationship of receiving and contributing good.

What is aligned is easy. Ancestors, opportunities, and intuitive insight empowers me and lights my path constantly. I feel the company of universal connection holding me up and carrying me forward.

*** If you feel resistance to any of these, listen to that and learn from it, there is growth waiting for you there. The full moon release work comes from whatever reveals itself and doesn’t fit the vibrations of affirmations below – the more you recite and strengthen these alignments in you, the easier it will be to notice what is contrary. Once you identify what doesn’t fit these vibes you need to ask yourself why is that action important to your goals and is there a different action that can help you meet the valid goals with greater ease.***

If you seek physical connection reminders beyond this: walk by a body of water, bring a notebook to nature and record what moves you. Doodle with word or art the way you feel as you breathe with trees. Sit on a tree root, or stand barefoot on it, and connect your anchor energy with the root in earth mother. Watch a flower, with its petals open, and open your arms as wide and tip your heart to sky and feel the sun or moon drench your body with light. Take time/make time to remember the molecular truths, the planetary truths, your own biological truths in this mind blowing reality of our actual existence.

You are here for reasons. Live them joyfully, it’s your right and the whole of everything is better for the wellness of each ingredient in the recipe of this existence.

****MOON TIME****

Moon bath if you are able. Standing awash in moon light is healing. If this is by a window, while on a walk, or sitting privately somewhere is up to you and your circumstance. If you cannot do a moon bath, the examples of physical connection listed above done anytime in the power window IS STILL moon ritual. Doing ritual in moon timing, even if not under a night sky, is moon ritual.

Call out to the earth and the full moon. Greet them, thank them for existing with you, sharing space with you, and having this moment’s experience with you. Acknowledge your togetherness. Feel the truth of the magic of being, the truth of the amount of opportunity and possibility that exist, the beauty of the simplicity of these big things. Feel your vessel open and receive the blessings of the moon light, the earth’s stability, your ancestors and guides help, and the permission of your intuition to make clear the most right and easy path forward for your joyful part in the whole of all things.

Put your palms together and inhale as you raise them up over your head. Exhale as you open your arms with your palm and heart up and open. Feel the magic of a bountiful experience embrace you as a cloak. Do this three times.

Blessed be.

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