New Moon & Solar Eclipse TODAY

It’s now. Today. Personally, I’m ready to embrace the new energy that has arrived.

Intention setting for this new moon? Appreciation nation. Gratitude growth. When you connect to your gratitude, to all the things you most appreciate in and about your life, what magic can grow from there? More to appreciate. The power of concentrated love.

Text across a starry sky background reads "The Power of Love"

Activity suggestions:

Make a list of all that you appreciate in your life and about your life. All that you appreciate about your self, your body, your space, your abilities, the company you keep, the ways that you are. Let the list get long.

Craving a physical shift? Use the list you just made and adjust your life schedule/regimen in response.

Ask yourself if you are giving time, attention, care to the things on your list. Can you celebrate them more? Are some areas being ignored? What can you do to strengthen your connection with the things you so appreciate? How can you show them appreciation? How can you better engage with the things you love? Where do you need to give more time?

Are there things that you did not put on this list to which you give a lot of your time? Any behaviors or habits that spend any amount of time of yours and didn’t make the appreciation list? Write this down too. Review the new list. Do these things contribute to the existence of appreciation items? If so, vision the time commitment there as contributive to items on the gratitude list and strengthen your heart by remembering that connection. Are there things that take of your time and don’t aid the appreciation list in any way? What if you made a commitment to diminish those things in your behaviors and schedule and to replace them with more that makes you joyful, grateful?

Make a commitment to release. Make a commitment to replace. Amplify the good.

Remind yourself on the daily: (try this for a moonth – new moon to new moon)

Light a gratitude candle every day and say aloud all that you are grateful for. Say the same things, say new things, let yourself list and list and list. If you share space with people, do this in front of them, do this so they hear you, welcome them to join if you like. Perhaps it will feel weird at first. Normalizing gratitude is awesome, I assure you.

Let us fill our homes and hearts with the concentration of appreciation.


Step outside and get into the gratitude of being where you are, supported by the environment in which you are to be exactly as you are in this moment of vitality. Call aloud “As the moon grows in the sky, so too may all wonderful things in and about my life grow in my experience.” List all that brings you joy, all that fills your heart, all that makes you smile.

Call out your readiness to make space for more love, more smiles, more appreciation, more joy, more heartfelt connections of good. May the good you feel grow more good in you, around you, in those you love, around them, and may it ripple beyond… beyond… beyond…

With all my love for all of you. Blessed be.

********If you would like to receive a letter like this around each new and full moon, enter your email in the box below.******

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